1300 506 581


For only $2.50 you can help a child in need receive a power pack so they can concentrate and stay engaged at school.

On the Sunshine Coast, 9,000 children and young people will enter the school gate every day with nothing in their lunch box.

At Inclusive Kids we know children are victims of circumstance and they don’t get a say in how a family budget is spent. But we also know that families are having to make hard choices between paying the rent or buying food because both are just not an option, with some parents themselves going hungry as they try to make impossible choices between feeding their kids and paying for other necessities. 

What are we doing to assist?

At Inclusive Kids we are working to do some of the heavy lifting and have teamed up with businesses such as Cricks Volkswagen to ensure we assist as many kids across the Coast by providing a 100% dried fruit pack, known as the ‘Fuel for School - Power Pack.’ Fuel for School is not a silver bullet and won’t solve the long-term problem of food insecurities and family budget shortfalls, but it is a reserve pack of highly nutritious, Queensland sourced fruit that will allow a teacher who recognises the signs of a child’s hunger to respond.

Let's join hands and put smiles on kids faces by providing them with the fuel they need to learn and thrive.

Please sign up and be a part of this incredible movement. Every small act of kindness counts, and we need YOU!